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2024 - MassDEP Water Sector Cybersecurity Meeting

Cybersecurity is not simple, but it is doable. On Friday November 1, MassDEP is hosting a cybersecurity meeting for water and wastewater utilities in Burlington. The goal is to provide an educational setting that fosters sharing experiences and solutions. The meeting is geared for people who are not cyber experts, but it will also be interesting for those who are.

We hope you can attend, particularly if you are taking on the leadership role in promoting and pursuing cybersecurity for your system. Feel free to invite and encourage whoever helps you with information technology and operational technology, such as your town IT person or your SCADA integrator, to register and join you at the meeting. All utility staff are invited. Space is limited, so please limit the registration of people associated with your utility (staff and outside support) to no more than three people.

Check out MassDEP's Flyer here

To sign up for this class, REGISTER ONLINE

November 01, 2024

Northeastern University Innovation Campus at Burlington, Building #5
147 South Bedford St
Burlington, MA 01803

Attendance: 8:00am - 8:30am
Class Time: 8:30am - 3:00pm EST (includes breaks)

Class Fee (per registrant):
FREE for all registrants

Agency Approval:
5.0 TCHs for Water Operators

Staff from MassDEP, Commonwealth Fusion Center, MA National Guard, I&C Secure, DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, & US EPA HQ


Mass Rural Water Association

781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360

Phone: 413-498-5779

Fax: 413-498-9943