Mass Rural Water Association
781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360
Phone: 413-498-5779
Fax: 413-498-9943
Join us for this training and four-part series on cybersecurity for the water and wastewater world. Unfortunately, with cyber incidents and attacks on the irse, our industry i sexposed to many risks. Some may think that cybersecurity is a dark and mysterious topic, but we will shine a light onto some of the best-practices and low-hanging fruit that will help make your utility more prepared and resilient to cyber risks, including malware, ransomware, viruses, accidents, and more. Thomas will provide real-world exampes from water and wastewater systems just like you, while keeping everythign light and easy to understand. It is strongly recommended to register for the full series (all four parts), but each session has been specially designed for the water and wastewater industry and can be taken standalone as well.
Class will be held Live and Virtually on the Zoom platform. All participants will need access to a computer or tablet that has Zoom videoconferencing software installed, and a good internet connection. If you don't yet have Zoom, you can sign up and download here.
Please Note:
1. Class Registration is on a first dome first served basis. Pelase register online asap as classes fill up quickly.
2. Typically, we will reservie 5 seats for people of small systems (<10,000 population served) and need a minimum of three small systems to register for classes. Any remaining seats, of these 5, that are not filled, will be filled from the Wait List in the order in which they were received. Participants will be made known if they are on the Wait List, and if they are move to the active roster. Please don't hesitate to contact Jason should you have any questions.
To sign up for this 4-Part class, Register Online, or contact Jason Blais.
February 13, 2024 (#2024-13): Part 1: The Basics & Beyond
February 15, 2024 (#2024-14): Part 2: Case Studies & Threats to Utilities
February 27, 2024 (#2024-15): Part 3: Locking it Down & Best Practices
March 07, 2024 (#2024-16): Part 4: Regulations, Reporting, and More
Attendance: 7:50am EST
Class Time: 8:00am - 10:45am EST (includes breaks)
Zoom session will begin at 7:50am for attendance
Virtual Class throught Zoom
We will email all registrants the Zoom link a day or two prior to class
Class Fee (per registrant):
MassRWA Members: Free
Non-Members: Free
Agency Approval: 2.5 TCH's for Water & Wastewater Operators per class
Up to 10 TCHs available for all sessions attended.
Instructor: Tom Bahun III, - Tom's Water Solutions
Mr. Bahun began his career in the water and wastewater world as an advosate and trainer for utilities with Rural Water before co-founding Tom's Water Solutions, LLC. with his father, Tom. Thomas holds a B.A. in political science and history, but returned to pursue an education in computer science and an M.S. in cybersecurity after learnin how important each was to the water and wastewater industry. currently, he specializes in cybersecurity, risk assessments, emergency response, and technology training, while offering hands-on technical assistance and consultling.
Cancellation Policy:
Individuals registered for one of our training classes, seminars, and/or conferences will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of canellation at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of class. Anyone contacting MassRWA to cancel enrollment in a training session will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact MassRWA as soon as possible with the details.
Consent to Use Photographic Images, Videos, & Recordings:
Registration and/or attendance at, and/or participation in, MassRWA's meetings, trainings, and other seminars constitutes an agreement by the attendee to MassRWA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, videos/videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audi files, tapes of such events and activities. This include permission to record sessions and streaming events.
781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360
Phone: 413-498-5779
Fax: 413-498-9943