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Basic Blueprint Reading for Utility Workers (#2023-43)

This session is designed to help participant develop an understanding of how working drawing are organized and how to utilize the infomration contained within them. Participant s will received instruction on reading and review Record Issue drawings* used to construct collection and water systems. Attendees will become familiar with the design and constrcution fo civil, mechanical, and some electrical systems throught the use of graphics. (* Record Issue drawings incorporate commnets from the field.)

Attendees will become familiar with the basic terminology, design, and construction of the Civil, Stuctural, Architectural, and Piping drawings. We will spend roughly an hour on each of the above mentioned desicplines. During this presentation there will also be a question and answer, as well as time to reivew.

Class size is limited to 20 participants, and will be offered on a first come firest served basis. Please register today to reserve your seat. No Walk-Ins please. Should class fill up, all other registrations will be placed on a Wait List in order in which they are received. In the event of a cancellation, we will draw upon the "next in line" from the Wait List.

To sign up for this class, Register Online Now, or contact Jason Blais.

Date: December 14, 2023

Lee Ambulance Building
177 Main Street
Lee, MA 01238

Attendance: 7:45AM - 8:00AM
Class Time: 8:00AM – 3:00PM (includes breaks & Lunch is inlcuded)

Class Fee (per registrant):
MassRWA Members: Free
Non-Members: Free

Agency Approval: 6.0 Water & Wastewater TCHs

Instructor: Jim Hager, Consulting Services
Mr. Hager has over 40 years of experience in manufacturing and heavy industrial facilities concentrating on mechanical, structural, and piping systems. Assignments range from preparing simple process sketches to designing complex manufacturing and assembly type drawings. Working directly with clients, he develops concepts and provides technical leadership for design. His field experience includes on-site contruction supervision and start-up activities.

Mr. Hager was an adjunt factulity member at Southern Maine Community College (formerly Southern Maine Technical College) with 9 years of service. He was responsible for teaching several drafting courses as well as teaching Blueprint Reading to the Wastewater Technolgy class.


Cancellation Policy:
Individuals registered for one of our training classes, seminars, and/or conferences will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of canellation at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of class. Anyone contacting MassRWA to cancel enrollment in a training session will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact MassRWA as soon as possible with the details.

Consent to Use Photographic Images, Videos, & Recordings:
Registration and/or attendance at, and/or participation in, MassRWA's meetings, trainings, and other seminars constitutes an agreement by the attendee to MassRWA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, videos/videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audi files/tapes of such events and activities. This include permission to record sessions and streaming events.

Mass Rural Water Association

781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360

Phone: 413-498-5779

Fax: 413-498-9943