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Infrastructure Assessment & Rehabilitation (#2023-15)

Please join us for a day in Worcester to learn and network with other wastewater collection system professionals! Speakers and presenters will include individuals experienced in the collection system industry, including representatives from Wright-Pierce's Infrastructure Assessment Group. This group specializes in evaluating the condition of existing infrastructure and providing proactive plans to improve piping systems and create strategies for long-term asset management. Other presenters will include representatives from the Town of Montague, MA, and various vendors for inspection and rehabilitation technologies. The day starts with networking opportunities and an introduction to the day's agenda. We will hten move into a couple case studies. The first being on the Importance of Infrastructure Inspecetions, and then on to How to Use Your Data. Class will continue with an Approach to Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Technology Updates, and will wrap up with a Demo of Rehabilitation Technology outside in the parking lot. This class is scheduled to be held Live and In-Person!

To sign up for this class,
REGISTER ONLINE, or contact Jason Blais

Date: March 29, 2023

Attendance & Networking: 8:00am

Class Time: 8:30am - 2:15pm (Lunch is included!)

Location: Worcester Parks & Recreation Department, 50 Officer Manny Familia Way, Worcester, MA 01605
formerly 50 Skyline Drive, Worcester, MA 01605

Class Fee: FREE

Agency Approval: 6.0 TCH's for MA Wastewater operators


  • Kevin Olson, PE, Regional Group Leader, MA Wastewater Group, Wright-Pierce
  • Laurie Perkins, PE, Associate VP, Goup Leader, Infrastructure Assessment Group, Wright-Pierce
  • Lindsey Sylvester, PE, Lead Project Engineer, Infrastructure Assessment Group, Wright-Pierce
  • Michael Stein, PE, Lead Project Engineer, Infrastructure Assessment Group, Wright-Pierce
  • Matt Corbin, PE, Lead Project Engineer, Infrastructure Assessment Group, Wright-Pierce
  • Steve Ellis, Town of Montague, MA


Cancellation Policy:
Individuals registered for one of our training classes, seminars, and/or conferences will be charged the class fee if we have not received notice of canellation at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of class. Anyone contacting MassRWA to cancel enrollment in a training session will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency, which would prevent attendance, please contact MassRWA as soon as possible with the details.

Consent to Use Photographic Images, Videos, & Recordings:
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, MassRWA's meetings, trainings, and other seminars constitutes an agreement byu the attendee to MassRWA's use and distrbution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, videos/videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audi files.tapes of such events and activities. This include permission to record sessions and streaming events.

Mass Rural Water Association

781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360

Phone: 413-498-5779

Fax: 413-498-9943