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Backflow Prevention & Cross Connection Control Refresher (#2025-05)

This class will explain what a cross connection is and what effect back-siphonage and back pressure can have on your system. We will examine a cross-connection control program as a necessary tool for controlling the possibility of contamination by cross-connections. Will will discuss how hydraulics affect your water and wastewater system and how a better understanding of hydraulics and cross-connection control allows you to develop and implement a protective cross-connection control program for your system. New test procedures for each type of backflow prevention device and MassDEP regulations will also be discussed.

The class will be held in person. To allow for adequate training time for each participant, we will be watching registrations closely and, if necessary, begin a wait list. Registrations are on a first-come, first-served basis.

To sign up for this class, REGISTER ONLINE, or contact Jason Blais

Dates & Locations:
January 28, 2025 (#2025-05)
Dalton Fire Department - 2nd Floor Training Room
20 Flansburg Ave
Dalton, MA 01226

County: Berkshire

Attendance: 7:45am - 8:00am
Class Time: 8:00 am - 12:30 pm EST (includes breaks)

Class Fee (per registrant):
MassRWA Members: FREE
Non-Members: FREE

Agency Approval:
4.0 TCHs for Water Operators

Jay Matuszewski, MassRWA Water Circuit Rider
Dave Kaczenski, MassRWA Executive Director/USDA Wastewater Technician


Cancellation Policy:
Individuals registered for one of our training classes, seminars, and/or conferences will be charged a fee if we have not received notice of cancellation at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of class. Anyone contacting MassRWA to cancel enrollment in a training session will receive a cancellation number. In the event of an emergency that would prevent attendance, please contact MassRWA as soon as possible with the details.

Consent to Use Photographic Images, Videos, & Recordings:
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, MassRWA's meetings, trainings, and other seminars constitutes an agreement by the attendee to MassRWA's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the attendee's image or voice in photographs, videos/videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audio files of such events and activities. This include permission to record sessions and streaming event.

Mass Rural Water Association

781 Millers Falls Road, Northfield, MA 01360

Phone: 413-498-5779

Fax: 413-498-9943